I know I've disappeared off the face of the blog the past few weeks and not put up a picture of me with very short hair, but I've been really busy! So the picture to the left is the only picture that's been taken of me since I cut my hair, unless you include pictures I snapped of myself to send to Jeff, and it's already grown out quite a bit (which is perfect argument not to have short hair in Hawaii - it grows ridiculously fast, just like everything that is in the ground). I know I look tremendously nerdy. "Free" time's pretty much been getting things together for Jeff's return, fall semester, and graduate school applications - it's been nice not working because I am able to accomplish what I need to without exhausting myself. I'm signed up for microbiology and biochemistry in the fall (I will get a week off between the end of summer classes and the beginning of fall classes) and will finish just in time for Jeff, Zeke and me to pack up and move again! We do have a date of return for Jeff; it is very soon, and we're both looking forward to it!!
Every time I see this picture, I think she's dissecting a hairless Muppet.
Didn't I ever tell you that Leeward switched to hairless Muppets for dissection because the fetal pigs got too expensive?
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