Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

The picture to the left was taken by Jeff's friend Carrie at her wetting down at the Dixie Grill in Aiea May 19. There are Dixie Grills all over the island, serving fried okra, peel-and-eat shrimp, and everything healthy made tremendously unhealthy; it's like I never left South Carolina!

We had a very busy weekend! Saturday Jeff went out and played golf in Kaneohe and got a terrible sunburn (I arm myself with SPF 30 nearly every time I leave the house, so I have yet to fry myself, luckily), so we were a little behind schedule checking on condos in Kapolei and Waianae for my parents. The Marriott Ko Olina resort was pretty easy to find - around 45 minutes away because of a bit of traffic. It's a nice place with a swimming lagoon (pictured on the right) and a golf course in an area with lots of other resorts. We continued up the road to Waiane and passed what appeared to be a Hawaiian separatist camp, marked by a bunch of tents and signs calling for secession and supporting the Akaka bill. We kept driving and eventually discovered that we had missed the second "resort" and ended up at a Kaena Point surf spot. I wasn't all that upset that we missed the resort; Kaena point (left - pictures don't do it justice) was breathtaking. So Jeff and I turned around and headed back down Farrington Highway, only this time I saw the street we were looking for...not too far from the where the separatists were set up! We turned in to find that it was fenced in, like a condo people live in. So needless to say, we recommended the Ko Olina resort.

Sunday we met Dan and went sailing in the afternoon. It was a gorgeous day; we had a great time, and luckily Jeff avoided getting more sunburned! The Pearl Harbor didn't make for very interesting sailing pictures, but we were out on a 29-foot boat for a couple hours. Apparently Jeff and I can get certified and take boats out reasonably easily, so I am looking forward to more of that!

Yesterday we leased a car for me, so I am no longer stuck in the house! It is a purple 2006 Mini convertible (I'll post pictures soon). I STILL can't believe Jeff agreed to it, but it is worth getting a job to drive around in such a fun car, and how many times are we going to live in a place with year-round perfect convertible weather?

Jeff had a three day weekend followed by two days on the ship, so I am on my own until he comes back Thursday. I've given myself the mission of finding the job and possibly a sense of direction before he gets back...


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