Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring break

Hello everybody! Sorry for the delay in posting, but school for Jess isn't very news-worthy and Jeff's work is uneventful. While both Jess and Jeff are doing well in school, it was definitely time for a break.

For Jess's spring break, we spent some time visiting colonial Williamsburg after a weekend in DC. We've discovered that neither of us is all that into colonial history, but that hasn't stopped us from enjoying the time together. Jess did get somewhat interested in the historic apothecary (picture below). We did manage to eat a very wonderful four-course French meal at a local restaraunt, though. We'll try to remember to post more pictures when we get back to Jeff's.

Although the weather started off poor, it has begun to get nice and will hopefully stay warm over the next few days.

- J&J

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