Sunday, April 29, 2007


No interesting photos to post, unfortunately - the only photos I'd taken recently were dissections!

Kris and I took a break from studying and headed down to Waikiki for some beach time after class Friday. The weather was perfect, and the water was even better (if possible). We hiked all the way to the end of Kapiolani Park, near Diamond Head and soaked up the sun for a while. We also discussed some future possibilities for adventures once I get back from the mainland, ranging from rock climbing lessons to more hikes and snorkeling. So hopefully after this semester is done, the blog will get much more interesting. One more week!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Jeff Spotting: Guam

There is a Thai restaraunt in Guam called The Marianas Trench, whoes namesake is the deepest trench in the world, previously explored by the manned US Navy vessel Trieste in 1960 all the way down to 10912 meters (over 6.5 miles). I read not long ago that exploration has begun again within the last few years, although not by the US. The Thai food went deep as well.

The Paul Hamilton stopped there (Guam, not the trench) for about a week at the begining of April for some liberty. It is a nice area, but if I'd had a choice, I would have gone to any of the Hawaiian islands. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures worth posting, but if I come across something nice that someone else took, I'll put it up. I think it is about time to look at getting a new camera.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

School update

Just a quick note - managed to get into an anatomy and physiology class at a community college about 10-15 minutes from the house, so much to Linsey's chagrin, I won't be dissecting a rat mailed from North Dakota in the kitchen sink while Zeke drools over it and gets underfoot. Since I'll be taking it (and an online biochemistry class) during a time when people don't call anyway, I shouldn't be so stressed, the commute will be better, and hopefully I will be easier to contact. I'll probably work two days a week and alternate Saturdays. Class starts the day after I get back from the mainland, so hopefully the jet lag won't do me in!


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Jeff Spotting: Mokpo, ROK

We arrived in Mokpo, South Korea at the end of March. The temperature was cold and the weather really poor, so I didn't get out as much as I would have liked. Unfortunately, the pictures I snapped of the city didn't come out well, but I got some good color in a decent shot of some islands.


Friday, April 06, 2007

For those of you who've called - my schedule's pretty insane until April 14th when I take the GRE, so by the time I get somewhere I can call, the time difference makes it so I'd be calling you back in the middle of the night! So don't take it personally if I haven't written or called back. I'll be better about keeping touch (and hopefully having some fun) after the semester's over.

I don't remember if I've written it on here yet - I'll be in the Carolinas for my brother Casey's graduation (and to hopefully get some things together on the house in Columbia) for part of May, so if anyone is close enough to the Raleigh, Columbia, or Charlotte area that they'd like to have a little visit, you can either comment here, call me after April 14th or email!
